

来源:   时间:2022年06月10日

最近很多同学问陕西专升本英语测试题及答案!今天诚为径统招专升本网就来给大家详细介绍一 下,希望对大家能有所帮助!



  1.I haven’t()his letter yet,though I got it a long time ago.

  A.written B.answered C.replied D.returned

  2.My mother always gets a bit()if we don’t arrive when we say we will.

  A.anxious B.ashamed C.weak D.patient

  3.Would you please point out the mistakes in my composition,if()?

  A.any B.none C.some D.anything

  4.I wrote him a letter to show my()of his thoughtfulness.

  A.achievement B.agreement C.attention D.appreciation

  5.The boy was made to()for being late for school the day before yesterday.

  A.pardon B.forgive C.excuse D.apologize

  6.The captain made an()the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.

  A.apologize to B.apology to C.apologize for D.apology for

  7.My brother is an actor.He()in several films so far.

  A.appears B.appeared C.has appeared D.is appearing

  8.The environmentalists said wild tiger’s()on the Thai mountain was a good indication of the better environment.

  A.escape B.absence C.attendance D.appearance

  9.Scientific research results can now be quickly()to factory production.

  A.used B.applied C.tried D.practiced

  10.But for her mother’s sudden illness,she would never think of breaking this()with you.

  A.arrangement B.schedule C.appointment D.interview

  11.---Do you mind if I smoke?---().

  A.I really hate smoking

  B.I’d appreciate it if you didn’t

  C.You can’t smoke here

  D.You’d better give up smoking

  12.Should the opportunity(),I’d love to go to Paris.

  A.rise B.raise C.arise D.happen

  13.The troop was()with the most advanced weapons.

  A.armed B.sold C.offered D.afford

  14.Recently measles has been()among children in the mountain village.

  A.about B.around C.all over D.above

  15.---I hear that you will be on travel again.

  ---Yeah.My boss()for me to discuss business details with someone from another company.

  A.asked B.arranged C.sent D.called

  16.I have an()with your bank to cash cheques here.

  A.arrange B.arranging C.arranged D.arrangement

  17.On their(),they found the people suffering the earthquake were in want of food and water supplies.

  A.arrival B.arrive C.arrived D.arriving

  18.With the help of our class,Little Mike made such great progress in Chinese that he can write a 200-character().

  A.compositions B.papers C.essays D.article

  19.Do you enjoy listening to records?I find records are often()or better than an actual performance.

  A.as good as B.as good C.good D.good as

  20.She felt()of having asked such a silly question when the audience couldn’t help laughing.

  A.guilty B.crazy C.miserable D.ashamed

  答案1—5 DBACA 6—10 CDBBC 11—15 DAAAC 16—20 DAAAB


以上便是关于陕西专升本英语测试题及答案的详细介绍了,如果对统招专升本还 有什么不理解的欢迎与诚为径统招专升本网联系,我们的老师都会为大家解答!我们每天都会更新[标 签:频道]内容,欢迎收藏本站!









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