来源: 时间:2022年06月22日
最近很多同学问安徽专升本英语历年真题~完型填空!今天诚为径统招专升本网就来给大家详细介绍一 下,希望对大家能有所帮助!
今天小易给大家整理了安徽专升本完型填空的真题,22年备考的同学可以做做看哦! I'm going to start a new cooking school in our neighborhood this new _16_will be for College graduates who are living from their families.In ourschool,we will offer classcs in thc morning and in the evening to_17_different schedules.Also _18_classes will teach the easiest and mostdelicious dishes of all kinds._19_,students can study specialized subjects.For example there will be courses on making soups and_20_baking(烘焙).The classes will be_21_by experienced cooks from a variety ofbackgrounds.I will_22_that there are not too many students in any oneclass.To help_23_the school we will got money from wealthy people andsome big companies,Finally we will regularly ask experts to give us_24_onhow to make the school better.T'm sure that our school will be _25_on andsuccessful.16.A.cinema B.school C.hotel D.hospital
17.A.fit B.discuss C.change D.check
18.A.their B.his C.our D.her
19.A.otherwise B.In addition C.After all D.Unfortunately
20.A.from B.with C.of D.on
21.A.canceled B.dismissed C.taught D.missed
22.A.deny B.beg C.doubt D.ensure
23.A.pay for B.give up C.head for D.pass by
24.A.news B.advice C.warning D.congratulations
25.A.ordinary B.boring C.popular D.broken
以上便是关于安徽专升本英语历年真题~完型填空的详细介绍了,如果对统招专升本还 有什么不理解的欢迎与诚为径统招专升本网联系,我们的老师都会为大家解答!我们每天都会更新[标 签:频道]内容,欢迎收藏本站!
- 因考试政策、内容不断变化与调整,诚为径教育网站提供的以上信息仅供参考,如有异议,请考生以权威部门公布的内容为准!
上一篇: 重庆专升本大学语文试卷~真题及答案