285. If we can _____ our present difficulties, then everything should be all right.
A. get off B. come across C. come over D. get over
286. Be careful how you _____ that jug, it will break very easily.
A. pour B. operate C. handle D. employ
287. We suddenly saw the bus about to leave and had to run _____ to catch it.
A. hardly B. awkwardly C. hard D. strongly
288. He hated the war so much that he decided to leave the army _____.
A. for long B. once in a while C. for good D. once upon a time
289. This year the farmers were just able to gather in the _____ before the fine weather came to an end.
A. collection B. harvest C. flower D. plant
290. A successful scientist needs _____ if he wants to make hypothesis (假设) of how processes work and how events take place.
A. permission B. penetration C. imagination D. convention
291. Tell your brother to come _____, because it's going to rain in a minute or two.
A. indoors B. outdoors C. outward D. inwards
292. I can't advise you what to do. You must use your own _____.
A. opinion B. guesswork C. justice D. judgment
293. Because of the poor harvest, wheat prices have _____ in the last six months.
A. added B. jumped C. amounted D. developed
294. There is a 20 minute parking _____ here, so we must get back to the car very quickly.
A. freedom B. limit C. allowance D. prohibition
295.The country needs a _____ government. We have had three Prime Ministers in a year.
A. stationary B. changeless C.constant D.stable
296. Having said he would mend the clock, he discovered that he had not brought the _____ tools for the job.
A. concise B. correct C. right D. precise
297. Radium salts, which have been found to _____ in bones, give rise to cancers of the bone.
A. pile up B. build up C. keep up D. pull up
298. It has been laid down that each student must _____ a composition to the teacher once a week.
A. turn in B. give up C. put forward D. bring out
299. Our house is the most _____ one in the street; it is painted red.
A. permanent B.indifferent C.predominant D. prominent
300. I shall take you back to Beijing _____ you are well enough to travel.
A. presently B. promptly C. immediately D. shortly
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